The most important job of a mayor and government is to keep its people safe. We watched our police officers make Nashville proud during the Covenant school shooting, and we should support them. This means ensuring they have appropriate personnel, equipment, and facilities. Our officers also need competitive pay and meaningful housing options, so they can afford to live in the city they serve. But we should do this with the same degree of accountability we expect of any Metro department.
As mayor, Freddie will also work to ensure that our police can focus on crime, enhancing the Partners in Care and REACH programs, which allow mental health providers and paramedics to be involved when someone is experiencing a crisis that is not necessarily a crime.
Crime prevention means thinking beyond policing—because crime is often borne out of hopelessness. We should expand community safety partnerships like the ones we forged in Napier that included an agreement between the housing authority and police that got officers out of cars and into the neighborhood, supported creating a walking school bus to prevent bullying, collaboratively delivered lighting improvements, and implemented traffic calming that actually helped reduce gun violence. We can do this citywide.